Star wars t3 droid
Star wars t3 droid

star wars t3 droid

So, what I need is: A) Instructions on how to obtain T3-M4 after killing the HK Assassin Android, B) A save file if I am glitched, or C) A mod that will allow me to skip the entire beginning, as it would be MUCH appreciated.Preceding the R-series of astromechs, the T3 Utility Droid was among the first droids capable of making ship repairs in flight. I'm not going to start all over again, and I may have to trash such a potentially wonderous game if I cannot find out a solution to my problem.

star wars t3 droid star wars t3 droid star wars t3 droid

but the time of enjoyment seems to be cut rather short. I am aware I am at the very beginning, and I was thoroughly enjoying this game until 2 hours ago when I found out I was stuck. Now, if I'm somehow glitched, then I would appreciate it if someone could upload a save file I could use that's right after this. I spent 2 hours searching and looking for guides, but the guides are more or less only useful if you did it in the order they did it in. I am extremely frustrated and am kind of tempted to give up. In the Fuel Depot, those ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ force fields and blocking my way. I can not go back into the tunnels, I can not go out the air lock even though I have the Voice ID codes/passphrase thing, and I can't backtrack anywhere but Administration, Fuel Depot, and Dormitories. I have four quests: Recover Ebon Hawk, Rescue T3-M4, Recent History: Bonus Mission, and Galactic History: Bonus Mission. however, after killing him, I'm completely lost. So, for whatever reason, I have Atton and Kreia and killed the HK assassin droid.

Star wars t3 droid